In the earliest days of our nation, a handful of unsung heroes — including an Iroquois chief — made crucial contributions to our Republic. Some of their ideas gave birth to the ideas which led to Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Despite these undeniable contributions, the faces of these Native Americans leaders haven’t been carved into any mountainsides, nor printed on currency. The historical contributions of the Native Peoples to our great Republic have much been forgotten — resulting in today’s Native Americans being under-represented in the modern political landscape.

“Today, that landscape changed. Today, after months of effort, Native Americans in the Great State of Utah were officially granted a seat at the table as an official auxiliary organization of the Utah Republican Party.” – Joseph Levi, Interim President, and member of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah

The Utah Republican Native American Caucus™ (URNAC) — “Republican Natives™”, for short — was finally granted the opportunity to appear before the Executive Committee (EC) of the Utah Republican Party. We asked Bob McEntee (a member of the EC), to present our Petition for Auxiliary Status. After he presented our Mission Statement and Objectives, the vote held. Despite two votes against us, the EC as a whole voted to favorably recommend our group for approval by the State Central Committee (SCC).

Consideration for our Petition was low on the agenda of the Saturday, 27 January 2018 meeting of the SCC. Despite this, and several failed motions to adjourn before hearing our Petition, Mr. McEntee addressed the body and delivered our Petition for consideration:

  • Tribal Governments across the nation tend to embrace socialist or democrat platforms, and depend very heavily upon State and Government funding – indebting their members to be dependent upon government “handouts”.
  • Native Americans do not have the same demographic considerations as the Party’s Latino, Black, or Women’s auxiliaries.
  • Natives in the State can and do benefit from Core Republican Values.
  • Other Native groups are being recognized by the Democrats at both State and National levels.

Mr. McEntee fielded a few questions from the Chair, and the vote was held: passing unanimously!

Under current rules of the Utah Republican Party, this action finally gives a voice to Utah Native Americans on both the State Central Committee and the State Executive Committee of the Utah GOP. Republican Natives members represent many tribes, including Apache, Cherokee, Utah Paiute, and Nez Perce.

We extend our thanks to Mr. McEntee for representing Native Americans across the State of Utah in the pursuit of our Petition, and to all the members of the Utah Republican Party who voted overwhelmingly to invite us into their organization. We look forward to many years of collaboration with the Party, and with elected officials who carry their endorsement.

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Comments or questions may be directed to:

Joseph Levi, Interim President, +1 (801) 618-0499

Bob McEntee, Liaison to the Utah GOP

Julie Edwards, Outreach Coordinator

Members of the Executive Committee of the Utah GOP voting against our Petition

  • Joni Crane, Vice Chair of the Utah Republican Party
  • Daryl Acumen, President of the Utah Black Republican Assembly


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