Our Mission

Native Americans throughout history have had sometimes tragic interactions with various governments and their agents. It is our hope that we may offer an amplified voice from this underrepresented segment of our great State to elected and appointed officials, and strengthen the bonds of friendship with our brothers and sisters, regardless of their lineage or tribal affiliation.


Provide a voice for Native Americans in Utah Politics and in the Utah Republican Party.


Provide information, support, training, and guidance to Native American Republicans interested in elected or appointed political office.


Support the Utah Republican Party Platform and the promotion of its values and ideals.


Educate and inform political office holders with information regarding Utah Republican Party Platform values and ideals, and how they positively impact the lives of Utah Native Americans.


Provide information, support, training, and guidance to Utah Native Americans on the importance of values and ideals of the Utah Republican Party Platform.

Though many of us are Native Americans from various tribes, membership in our organization is not limited only those of Native origin.

We welcome your inquiries and your membership in our cause!


Current Issues and Historical Insights through our eyes

Caucus isn’t a dirty word!

Here is why “Caucus” is not a dirty word! Learn more at http://KeepMyVoice.org, and don’t forget to hit the “Thumbs Up”, Subscribe to their channel, and share this video with your friends, family, and neighbors!

Utah GOP Affiliate Petition

UPDATE: On January 27, 2018, the Utah GOP accepted our Petition and welcomed our organization into theirs. Members, On Friday, 13 October 2017, we formally petitioned the Utah Republican Party for “Official Auxiliary Status”. This Read more…

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